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Background Information

On February 23, 1987 the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 228 “About Measures on Effectiveness Improvement and Supervision Activities Enhancement for Safety in Nuclear Energy”. The State Committee of the URRS on Safe Implementation of Activities in Nuclear Energy (Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR) was established by this Resolution.

In pursuance of the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 228 dated of February 23, 1987, Gosatomenergonadzor of the USSR issued Order No. 58 “About Establishment of Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Nuclear Energy” (dated of May 12, 1987).

By Resolution No. 335 of the USSR Council of Ministers Resolution (dated of April 07, 1990) “On Organizational Structure of the State Committee of the URRS on Supervision of Safe Implementation of Activities in Industry and Nuclear Energy”, the “Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Nuclear Energy” was reorganized into the “Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Industry and Nuclear Energy”, that subordinated to Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR.

Upon a year and a half the Council of Ministers of Russia adopted Resolution No. 586 (from November 05, 1991) “Mission Area of the State Committee of the RSFSR on Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety”, and afterwards, the Executive Order No. 137-rp of the Russian Federation President from December 31, 1991 “Mission Area of the State Committee on Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety under the President of the Russian Federation” was issued. In pursuance of this Executive Order, the “Scientific and Engineering Centre on Safety in Industry and Nuclear Energy” was put under the jurisdiction of the Gosatomnadzor of the RSFSR and then it was subordinated to Gosatomnadzor of the Russian Federation with its simultaneous reorganization into the “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety”.

Following the endorsement of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation

No. 265 “On Approval of Provision on Federal Supervision of Russia on Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (dated of April 22, 2002), the enterprise was put under the jurisdiction of the Gosatomnadzor of Russia, which by Article 16 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 314 “On the System and Structure of Federal Executive Bodies” (dated of March 9, 2004) was renamed into the “Federal Service on Nuclear Supervision”. Since that time the “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” was subordinated to the Service.

By Article 3 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 649 “On Issues Related to Structure of Federal Executive Bodies” (dated of May 20, 2004), the “Federal Service on Nuclear Supervision” and the “Federal Technological Supervision Service” were transformed into the “Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service” (Rostechnadzor), under the management of the Government of the Russian Federation. In correspondence with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1725-r, dated of December 29, 2004, the Federal State Enterprise “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” has been under the jurisdiction of Rostechnadzor and to be considered as a cessionary of the “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” of Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.724 “Concerning Issues Related to the System and Structure of Federal Executive Bodies” (from May 12, 2008) Rostechnadzor was put under the subordination of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, which Provision was adopted by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation  No. 404 “On Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation”, dated of May 29, 2008.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation  № 780 “Mission Area of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service” (dated of June 23, 2010), Rostechnadzor was put under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.

By the Order of Rostechnadzor No.1021 “On Approval of the List of the Federal Budgetary Enterprises under the Competence of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service and on its Submission to Russian Federal Treasury” (dated of October 28, 2010), the federal budgetary enterprise “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” was included into the list of federal budgetary organizations subordinating to Rostechnadzor.

By the Decision of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service from June 10, 2013, “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (SEC NRS) was assigned to organization of scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor.

Consequently, at the moment SEC NRS is to be considered as the organization under the jurisdiction of Rostechnadzor subordinating to the Government of the Russian Federation.

For more detailed information on the structure of the federal executive bodies, refer to the website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Statute of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service is available on official website of Rostechnadzor.

Information about SEC NRS, allowed in pursuance of the Order of Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 86 (dated of July 21, 2011) is made available on “Official website of the Russian Federation for Representation of Information on State (municipal) Institutions”.

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