SEC NRS took part in the meeting of the OECD NEA Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations & Legacy Management and Radioactive Waste Management Committee
The meeting was attended by 18 member countries of OECD NEA, including Russia represented by SEC NRS (a TSO for Rostechnadzor), as well as the represntatives of the European Commission and IAEA.
In frames of the first meeting day the review reports were presented for the activity of CDLM and RWMC, Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) together with the results and action plans of the Regulators Forum (RF), Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC), and Expert Group on the Application of Robotics and Remote Systems in the Nuclear Back-end (EGRRS). The second day of the meeting was devoted to the review of international researches that had been performed in the field of decommissioning and RW management for the last year. The topical session "The Decision-Making Process for Management of Waste for Decommissioning of Accident Site" was held to present and discuss the reports on the experience of radioactive waste management at the sites of "Fukushima-Daiichi" NPP and Chernobyl NPP, as well as "Three Mile Island" NPP. Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) is a scientific and technical support organization (TSO) for Rostechnadzor. Source: Rostechnadzor. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |