SEC NRS software “Calculating tool for radiological, thermal and physical characteristics of SNF” has successfully passed the procedure of state registration

Software application “Calculating tool for radiological, thermal and physical characteristics of spent nuclear fuel”, consisting of computer software and a database, implements methods and approaches included into Safety Guide “Radiological, Thermal and Physical Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Water-Moderated Power Reactors and High Power Channel-Type Reactors” (RB-093-14). Software application serves to conduct express-assessments in respect to radiological, thermal and physical characteristics of spent nuclear fuel of VVER and RBMK type reactors; it also includes reference materials regarding the nuclear constants. Software application is intended to be useful for specialists from design and operating organizations, when implementing the safety demonstration of nuclear installations and storage facilities for nuclear materials, which are projected for management with spent nuclear fuel from water-moderated power reactors and high power channel-type reactors (or in case such type of activity is already under implementation). Software application is designed to be used by specialists from the Federal, Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, which are responsible for assessment of safety demonstration of such nuclear facilities in the course of licensing of the respective types of activity.
Radiation properties calculator Radiation properties database

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»