Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks registered the computer code "Calculator for Accident Radiological Consequences"
The computer code "Calculator for Accident Radiological Consequences" was introduced into the Register of Computer Codes under the registry number 2020619313 of 17.08.2020.
The computer code "Calculator for Accident Radiological Consequences" is intended to be used in frames of the scientific and technical support to Rostechnadzor activity in the part of assistance and development of the Rostechnadzor Information and Analytical Center, and can also be used for safety review in the field of atomic energy use. The code implements recommendations of the Safety Guide "Recommended Methods for Assessment and Prediction of Accident Radiological Consequences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities" (RB-134-17) approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor No. 479 of 16.11.2017, and is intended for evaluation of radiological consequences from emergency releases of nuclear facilities. An important advantage of the code, if compared with the analogues, is its capability to assess the scale of a wider nomenclature of population protection measures (including long-term measures) and in relation to emergency release sources of nonstandard geometry (areal and volume source). The code was developed by the team of authors of the SEC NRS Division for Nuclear and Radiation Safety General Issues: Mr. A. V. Kuryndin, Head of Division, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Mr. A. S. Shapovalov, Head of Laboratory; Mr. R. M. Polyakov, Junior Research Scientist. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |