Draft Amendments to NP-009-17
Draft amendments to the Federal Regulations and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use NP-009-17 "Nuclear Safety Rules of Research Reactors" approved by the Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia of August 4, 2017 No. 295has been developed. The draft amendments are available on our website in the Section "Draft Regulatory Documents" and on the official website of Rostechnadzor in the Section "Development of Rostechnadzor Regulatory Legal Acts". Comments are welcomed to our e-mail: secnrs@secnrs.ru. Commencement date for comments is October 11, 2021, expiry date for comments is November 11, 2021. |
STATE ASSIGNMENT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS INFORMATION PRODUCTS BOOKSRostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure . |