SEC NRS took part in the VVERWG (MDEP) meeting and in the Workshop "Construction of New VVERs in VVERWG Member Countries (MDEP)"


On October 25–26, 2021 the 17th meeting of the VVER Working Group under Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP VVERWG) was held in a format of a video conference with the participation of representatives from the supervisory authorities: STUK (Finland), HAEA (Hungary), NNSA, NSC (China), NDK (Turkey), SEC NRS (Russia, Scientific and Technical Support Organization for Rostechnadzor), as well as OECD NEA. In the process of the MDEP VVERWG meeting the participants discussed the results and the action plan of the working group and its expert subgroups.

On October 27–29, 2021 the 2nd Workshop "Construction of New VVERs in VVERWG Member Countries (MDEP)" was held in a format of a video conference with the participation of representatives from the regulatory authorities and their TSOs, licensees and NPP owners, design organizations and supplier organizations from Hungary, China, Turkey, Finland and Russia, as well as OECD NEA.

The Workshop consisted of the three topical sessions. In frames of the 1st day of the Workshop the reports were presented to highlight the goals and challenges of MDEP and VVERWG, and issues related to application of AES-2006 PSA at the stage of design were considered. The 2nd day of the Workshop was devoted to management over the chain of suppliers in order to achieve an integrity of structures in the context of AES-2006. In frames of the 3rd day of the Workshop the issues were addressed regarding 'the applied for the first time' technologies in respect to AES-2006.

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«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»