Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS
The following reports of the young specialists of SEC NRS have been presented and discussed at the meeting of the Scientific
and Technical Council (STC) of SEC NRS
- G.E. Arbayev, A.Sh. Kurbonmamadov (NPP Safety Division) “Estimation Technique for Fission Products Escape from the VVER-1000
Reactor Installation in Core Melt Accidents”.
- A.S. Gazetdinov (NPP Safety Division) “Calculation and Experimental Study of Neutron Field Characteristics at the Equipment
of a VVER Reactor in the Course of Operational Lifetime Extension and Decommissioning”.
- V.S. Ivanov, A.G. Samokhin (NPP Safety Division) “Development of the Linked Neutronic and Thermohydraulic Calculation
Model of the Fast Neutron Sodium Reactor BN-800 to Support Regulatory Decisions”.
- G.R. Pipchenko (NPP Safety Division) “Experience in Application of Models for Express Estimation of the State of VVER
NPP Critical Safety Functions in the course of Emergency Response Exercises”.
- A.M. Polikarpova (NPP Safety Division) “Development of Models for Express Estimation of the State of VVER NPP Critical
Safety Functions”.
- T.M. Anikina (Accounting, Control and Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Substances Division) “Application
of the Control Charts of Cumulative Sums in the course of Estimation of the Results of Nuclear Material Physical
- A.S. Emelianov (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Division) “Modeling of the Process of ВП-1АП Sorbent Decomposition
in the Nitroform».
- V.S. Konyukhov (Radiation Safety Division) “Analysis of the Foreign and Native Experience in Accounting of Changes in
Operating Conditions of Equipment and Systems, and Nuclear Facilities Shutdown for Decommissioning”.
- A.A. Smirnova (Safety Justifying Calculations Division) “Calculated Modeling of Changes at the Stage of Physical Startup
of the NVNPP-2 Unit 1”.
- P.A. Rodin (Building Structures Robustness Division) “Analysis of Safe Operation Criteria for Building Structures of
the Kursk NPP “hot” Premises”.
STC has decided
- To approve the proposal of the Awards committee on the following breakdown of awards for the presentations of the Awards
Two primary awards
- A.M. Polikarpova (NPP Safety Division)
- G.R. Pipchenko (NPP Safety Division)
Three secondary awards
- G.E. Arbayev, A.Sh. Kurbonmamadov (NPP Safety Division)
- V.S. Ivanov, A.G. Samokhin (NPP Safety Division)
- A.S. Emelianov (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Division)
Five encouragement awards
- A.S. Gazetdinov (NPP Safety Division)
- T.M. Anikina (Accounting, Control and Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Substances Division)
- V.S. Konyukhov (Radiation Safety Division)
- A.A. Smirnova (Safety Justifying Calculations Division)
- P.A. Rodin (Building Structures Robustness Division)
- To recommend to the SEC NRS leadership to consider the possibility of:
- participation of the Awards winners in the Russian and international scientific activities;
- publication of the Awards winners’ presentations in a special booklet.
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Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS is considered to be the permanent advisory body, which includes its Chairman (SEC NRS Director), Deputy Chairmen (Deputy Directors), Scientific Secretary, members of STC (regular members) and Council of Elders – the honorable members of STC from among scientific workers who have made significant contribution to the development of the main directions of SEC NRS activity.
Basic tasks of Scientific and Technical Council:
- shaping of scientific and engineering policy of SEC NRS;
- improvement of effectiveness and scientific level of works under implementation by SEC NRS;
- R&D activities directions-finding, formulation of proposals for their fulfillment;
- coordination of activities between SEC NRS subdivisions ;
- assessment of achievements within R&D finalized.
In accordance with basic tasks of STC, it summarizes and analyses domestic and international experience in nuclear and radiation safety regulation, makes recommendations for its enhancement and advance; addresses issues and makes proposals in respect to the directions of SEC NRS activities including compilation, analysis and dissimilation of scientific experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation.
Consequently, Scientific and Technical Council is considered to be as the biggest internal platform for scientific discussions regarding agenda issues.