Scientific and Technical Council
Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS of 13.06.2019Agenda
On the first issueHaving heard the presentation of Mr. Alexander Kryukov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Chief Research Scientist of the Strength Division, and Mr. Ildar Akbashev, Head of Division of OKB “Gidropress”, on the actual problems in evaluation of VVER reactor vessel radiation embrittlement and SEC NRS role in solution thereof, and taken part in discussions, STC noted thatNowadays, one of the most important issues in evaluation of VVER reactor vessel radiation embrittlement degree is justification for extension of the burn-up life of the reactor vessel metal for 60 and more years of operation. In order to solve this problem, the SEC NRS Strength Division in cooperation with CRISM "Prometey" and OKB “Gidropress” carries out activities in the following areas:
As a results of works performed it was revealed that
SEC NRS participation in the international project STRUMAT, the purpose of which is to evaluate VVER and PWR reactor vessels radiation embrittlement under fluencies corresponding to 60-80 years of operation, will contribute to obtaining of scientific and technical results that are necessary for justification of lifetime extension for the Russian NPP reactor vessels. In respect to the first issue STC decided
On the second issueHaving heard the report of Mr. Alexander Vasilishin, Head of Laboratory of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Division, and Mr. Dmitriy Konoplev, Chief Specialist of Documentation Development Organization Division, on the experience in conduct of SEC NRS safety culture self-assessment and its results, and upon discussions STC noted thatThe pilot self-assessment of the safety culture was held in SEC NRS within the period from January up to May 2019. Self-assessment was performed on the basis and in compliance with the SEC NRS Order No. 16 of 31.01.2019 “On Conduct and Analysis of the Pilot Safety Culture Self-Assessment”. Responsibility for conduct of the self-assessment was imposed on the SEC NRS Working Group on the conduct of safety culture self-assessment, consisting of:
In the process of preparation of the self-assessment the questionnaire of 168 questions was elaborated. The elaborated questionnaire considered the provisions of the Policy Statement on Safety Culture in the Field of State Safety Regulation in Atomic Energy Use (hereinafter to be referred to as Policy Statement) and OECD NEA Green Booklet (The Safety Culture of an Effective Nuclear Regulatory Body, OECD 2016, NEA No. 7247). The questionnaire makes it possible to assess all five safety culture principles specified in the Policy Statement:
In the course of the self-assessment 65 employees of SEC NRS were questioned. Summarizing the results of the questionnaire survey the representative group submitted 60 filled-in questionnaires. 5 persons (less than 8 %) decided not to take part in the questionnaire survey. 2 questionnaires out of all submitted ones were not taken into account in the process of analysis since option «6» of the answer was ticked off for all the questions. In the process of filling in the questionnaires the respondents were suggested to make comments on the questionnaire items and process. Upon collection and analysis of the questionnaires the report “Results of SEC NRS Safety Culture Self-Assessment”. The report analyzed good practices in safety culture, which were noted in the process of analysis of self-assessment results, and revealed some shortcomings. Moreover, the report presented proposals on implementation of the practice of safety culture self-assessment in Rostechnadzor. In respect to the second issue STC decided that
STC Chairman A. Khamaza; STC Scientific Secretary V. Gremyachkin. Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS is considered to be the permanent advisory body, which includes its Chairman (SEC NRS Director), Deputy Chairmen (Deputy Directors), Scientific Secretary, members of STC (regular members) and Council of Elders – the honorable members of STC from among scientific workers who have made significant contribution to the development of the main directions of SEC NRS activity. Basic tasks of Scientific and Technical Council:
In accordance with basic tasks of STC, it summarizes and analyses domestic and international experience in nuclear and radiation safety regulation, makes recommendations for its enhancement and advance; addresses issues and makes proposals in respect to the directions of SEC NRS activities including compilation, analysis and dissimilation of scientific experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation. Consequently, Scientific and Technical Council is considered to be as the biggest internal platform for scientific discussions regarding agenda issues. |
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